#whatif Prompt for 7.12.18

Today’s prompt:

french toast

Feel free to respond in your favorite way whether it be a poem, short story, photo, video . . however you best relate to the prompt. Simply post your ideas, create a ping-back and use the hashtag #whatif.

2 responses to “#whatif Prompt for 7.12.18”

  1. alls i have to say is, its delicious! xx


  2. […] While on vacation she decided to try sleeping on a wharf. She drove her car to the wharf and set up to car camp. As she sat on tbe hood of her car listening to the soft lap of the water against the wharf a man docked a boat with a sign “glass bottom boat tours”. On the top of the boat was a mouse house and a well spoiled mouse was sitting on his porch eating french toast!! […]


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